Institución:CIC Energigune
Contacto correo-e:info@cicenergigune.
CIC Energigune is currently offering two Post-doctoral positions in the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) group. The main activities of this research group are the identification of innovative heat storage solutions through the development of new materials and conceptual designs.
In this frame, we are now inviting applications for two Post-doctoral positions in the group of Material and Device Modeling. The main activities to be developed by the selected candidates will consist on the computational simulation of macroscopic heat storage systems based on computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes. The goal of the performed research will be the parametric analysis, optimization and the final viability demonstration of different heat storage alternatives through computational calculations. Between the different thermal energy storage concepts considered special attention will be paid to solid packed-bed solutions. The detailed analysis of the interstitial flow of different fluids (air, CO2, molten salt etc.) through the packed bed of different solid materials (Steel slag, concrete, Zirconia, Alumina etc.) will represent the core activities of the research. The performance analysis of these storage systems will be analyzed by their implementation on realisti c environments such a concentrated solar power plants or different heat demanding/consuming processes in the industry. The final model validation in real storage pilot plants is also considered.
In addition, the research could also be completed with the modeling of alternative thermal energy storage concepts based on different heat storage methodologies such as latent heat storage using phase change materials or sensible heat storage by means of fluidized bed solutions.
Preference will be given to candidates with extensive hands-on experience in the development of macroscopic models including fluid dynamics and heat transfer using self developed or commercial codes.
We are offering
We are offering a 24+12 months position within interesting National, European and International projects in the field of thermal energy storage and important opportunities for professional development.
CIC Energigune offers a competitive basic salary augmented by important benefits such as special conditions for a private health insurance that compare favourably with the best global private and public institutions.
The “Fundación” will also help smooth the transition for you and your family, providing a welcome programme that offers accommodation and addresses of other aspects to help you integrate into the local environment.
Job functions:
• Parametric analysis, optimization and final viability demonstration of the modelled solid packed-bed, latent heat or fluidized bed thermal energy storage solutions through computational fluid dynamic codes.
• Usage of commercial standard CFD codes such as Ansys Fluent or Star-CCM+.
• Analysis and identification of different free-source CFD codes with potential application to the interstitial fluid flow in packed-bed arrangements, phase change problems and fluidized bed arrangements (Kratos, OpenFoam etc.)
• Self development of numeric codes (Fortran, C, C++, Python etc.) to implement the porous media formulation adapted to the packed-bed flow in different configurations.
• Collaboration in project proposal writing to obtain funding from institutions and industrial sources.
• Supervise graduate/master students.
We are looking for
Qualification requirements:
• Ph.D. in Physics, Engineering, or related fields.
• Experience in the development, and implementation of physical macroscopic models.
• Experience in fluid mechanics and heat transfer phenomena.
• Experience in computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methodology.
• Experience in transport phenomena through porous media.
• A team player who can collaborate with other groups, technical centres, and industries
• Good verbal and written communication skills in English
Información complementaria de la oferta:
All applicants are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at www.cicenergigune.com.
The selection process ends once the two candidates are selected.
CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.