2 Open positions in Microwave Medical Imaging

Institución:DTIC – Universitat Pompeu Fabra  Contacto correo-e:aurelio.ruiz@upf.edu

This  position is to  participate in  a 6-month research project at  the  Department  of  Information & Communication Technologies (DTIC) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona,(http://www.upf.edu/dtic/).

UPF is  ranked  as  the  most  productive  university  in  Spain  in  terms  of  research outcome  and  attraction  of  funding (142 European FP7 projects, 19 ERC Grants – being over 50% of the conducted at DTIC-UPF).

Part of the work will be done in the AntennaLab research group labs in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.

The project will be conducted in the PhySense research  group (http://physense.upf.edu), supervised by Dr. Marta Guardiola. PhySense focuses on integrating engineering/physics knowledge with physiology in order to provide an interdisciplinary research  environment,  working closely together with  internationally  known  academic and clinical centres. This is approached by integrating and improving information acquisition, handling and processing techniques, combined with basic knowledge on pathophysiology, in order to advance clinical sciences.

The candidates should have a BEng or preferentially MSc, mainly in engineering, physics or computer science, strong background on antenna design and measurement, good computer programming skills (Matlab), and preferentially experience in microwave imaging. Fluency in English is highly recommended.

Full details: http://physense.upf.edu/system/files/news/open_positions_physense_may2015.pdf

Información complementaria de la oferta:
2 Open positions in Microwave Medical Imaging Llavor project: MicroWave imaging device for ENDOscopic explorations and interventions (MiWEndo)

Llavor is 6-month program financed by Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca, Departament d’Economia i Coneixement from the Generalitat de Catalunya and co-financed by FEDER. It is aimed to finance innovative projects that are in the initial stages in the level of technological maturity for the enhancement of knowledge with potential to join the productive sector.

MiWEndo is aimed to valorize and translate research on microwave imaging to the clinic and the industry. Microwave imaging is one of the most promising emerging imaging methods because is low-cost, portable and safe. One of the most attractive features of microwave technology for clinical applications is its relatively low entrance barriers with comparison to other medical imaging modalities.

The proposed project involves different stages of the technology pipeline, including knowledge/technology protection, pre-prototype design, initial manufacturing and pre-clinical testing. The proposed device will be a small endoscope head composed by several radio frequency (RF) sensors that will allow to form cross-sectional both anatomical and functional images of the interior of the gastro-intestinal tract as the endoscope travels along it. This work will be part of a long-standing close collaboration with the Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona (HCPB) to assure clinically relevant research. Furthermore, this work will be in connection with other scientific and clinical partners with strong expertise on antennas and propagation such as AntennaLab (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

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