Institución:ICCRAM – UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS  Contacto correo-e:smartel@ubu.es

ICCRAM International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n 09001, Burgos.

We are looking for experienced researchers to jointly apply for individual fellowships to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. Researchers would work in the research group of Dr. Santiago Cuesta at the Science and Technology Park of University of Burgos (Spain) and involved in the recently created International Center of research in Critical Raw Materials for advanced industrial technologies (ICCRAM).
Researchers will have the unique opportunity of being involved in the activity of the international strategy of industrial resource efficiency management, energy efficiency, ecoinnovation and critical materials substitution, being directly related to the European Innovation Partnership in Raw Materials (EIP-Raw), and the proposed Knowledge and Innovation Community in Raw Materials from the EIT (KIC-Raw). In this regard, ICCRAM takes part in two different Action Groups (1.8 SUBST-EXTREME, 1.7 RESET) within the EIP-Raw.

ICCRAM is a core member of the Regional and National industrial strategy, being as Univ. of Burgos, founder member of industrial clusters like CYLSOLAR (Castilla y Leon Renewable Energy and Energy solutions industrial cluster) and CBECyL (cluster of capital goods and industrial automation of Castilla y León), with an existing strong alliance with large scale industrial associations like SERCOBE (National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods) or international/national organizations like EU-NANOFUTURES, INNANO, CEIDEN.

Candidates should be excellent experienced researchers interested in developing research lines involved in international projects in the fields of Advanced Materials, Nuclear Technology & Nano/Biotechnology.

General requirements to access the MSCA-IF grant:
–       Experienced Researchers, in possession of a doctoral degree (EU-PhD title or adapted to the Spanish system is required)
–       Researchers may be of any nationality.
–       Researchers must not have resided or carried out the main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to September 10th 2015.

Specific requirements related to the research objectives:
Researchers are expected to be experts in a) materials by design, integrated computational engineering, genome materials initiative and simulation activities; b) Nanomaterials, supermaterials design, synthesis and characterization. Concretely:
–       Applied design, synthesis and operation with new materials (advanced materials, nanotechnological materials, nanostructured materials and nano/biotechnology).
–       Multiscale modelling of new nanostructured materials with applications in engineering.
–       Design and Simulation of materials under extreme conditions.
–       Integrated computational engineering: FEM, coarse grained and continuum approaches for modelling materials in particular applications of industrial relevance

–       Please take into account that this fellowships are for “Excellent researchers”, what implies a record and résumé exceptional.

Other requirements: ICCRAM is seeking applicants with significant accomplishments in any area of computational materials science and engineering and who are committed to excellence in research in a multidisciplinary environment, with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.

DUTIES: Modelling Materials, guiding PhD students, participate in the redaction and execution
Información complementaria de la oferta:
HOW TO APPLY: SEND CV (standard academic and research record including, if applicable):
1.      Publications in major , peer-reviewed conference proceedings and/or monographs of their respective research fields, indicating also the number of citations (excluding self-citations) they have attracted.
2.      Granted patent(s).
3.      Research monographs, chapters in collective volumes and any translations thereof.
4.      Invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and/or international advanced schools.
5.      Research expeditions that the Experienced Researcher has led.
6.      Organisation of International conferences in the field of the applicant (membership in the steering and/or programme committee).
7.      Examples of participation in industrial innovation.
8.      Prizes and Awards.
9.      Funding received so far
10.     Supervising, mentoring activities.

Santiago Cuesta López (scuesta@ubu.es) & Roberto Serrano López (robertosl@ubu.es)

DEADLINE: July 24th 2014 (Estimated starting date: June 15th 2015)

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