El director de la Escuela de Ingenierías de la ULE apuesta por la innovación

El decano de la Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Ramón Ángel Fernández Díaz.

En su toma de posesión, Ramón Ángel Fernández se ha mostrado partidario de apostar por la innovación de cara al futuro «con respeto pero sin miedo»

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NAC: PhD Scholarship in Cryptography, UPF, Barcelona

Institución:Dept. Information and Communication Techn. DTIC-UPF  Contacto correo-e:aurelio.ruiz@upf.edu

2015 PhD Schoolarship in Cryptography, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain)

Applications are invited for a PhD position in the field of cryptography at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.

The applicant will join the research group in Wireless Communications and will be co-supervised by Dr. Vanesa Daza and Dr. Carla Ràfols. The topic of research will be interactions between multiparty computation and zero-knowledge proofs.

The candidate should have completed his/her master´s degree by Oct. 2015 in computer science, mathematics or a related area.

The starting date will be around Oct. 2015 and the student will receive a PhD stipend from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (http://www.upf.edu/dtic_doctorate/_pdf/dtic_upf_phd_calll_2015_16.pdf)

Applications should start with a a short motivation letter, include a full CV, a copy of grade transcript(s) of completed studies and (when possible) one name of reference.

To apply or request further information, please send an email to cryptoPhDapplications (at) upf.edu . The review of applications will start on June 15th and continue until the position is filled.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
UPF is ranked as the most productive university in Spain in research outcome and attraction of funds (THE2013) and 13th worldwide among young universities (THE2013, 100 under 50). DTIC-UPF community (> 50 nationalities) conducts research in a broad range of fields created around the convergence of ICT with computing science, networks, biomedical and cognitive sciences. The active participation in international programs (65 projects in FP7, including 9 prestigious ERC grants and the Human Brain Project) creates a unique environment for the development of talented researchers.

Who has participated in our PhD program?
Graduates from the program currently pursue careers in leading academic, industrial, and clinical centres around the world, as well as entrepreneurial careers with companies such as Reactable, BMAT or Near Future Lab. Some recent recognitions for PhD students include the Cisco Security Grand Challenge 2014, the European Young Researchers’ Award 2013, the National Commendation for Invention from the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation in 2013 and the BBVA Innova Challenge 2013 International Competition on Big Data.

Candidates for PhD positions must hold an MsC degree or equivalent. Candidates not fulfilling this requirement may be interested in DTIC’s 1-year research master programs as a stepping stone to later join the PhD program (Sound and Music Computing, Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media, Intelligent Interactive Systems – with UPC, Brain and Cognition, Computer Vision – coordinated by UAB, Wireless Communications – with UPC, starting 2015-16).

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Beca y tesis en Crystallographic Computing

Institución:Instituto Biologia Molecular Barcelona CSIC  Contacto correo-e:uson@ibmb.csic.es

Call: PreDoc FPI – Formación Personal Investigador MdM 4-year contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Qualification: Last year degree- or master student in computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry or biotechnology with programming knowledge (python or other).

The Crystallographic Methods group at the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Unit of the Department of Structural Biology at the IBMB-CSIC (Barcelona Science Park, www.pcb.ub.edu), seeks a Master or Degree student to carry out an interdisciplinary project in the development of computing methods in Structural Biology within our software ARCIMBOLDO (http://chango.ibmb.csic.es/ARCIMBOLDO

Predicting protein folding from the amino acid sequence remains one of the missing holy grails of biology. After five decades of protein crystallography, we have achieved the three-dimensional characterization of over 100.000 macromolecular structures. Structure has shed unique insight into manifold biological questions, but despite the wealth of information gathered in the PDB database, our understanding of its essence is insufficient: we usually get an insight into the relation between the function and the geometry for a small part of the structure, regarding active or binding sites, etc… and as for understanding folding itself, our success in de novo prediction is very limited and at best uncertain.
The paradigm is shifting, blending detailed investigation of specialized aspects into global apprehension of complex systems. We need a tool to understand fold in its full scope. In analogy to Borges’ story, an Aleph, a point in space that contains all other points. Anyone who gazes into it can see everything in the universe from every angle simultaneously, without distortion, overlapping or confusion.
In the field of crystallographic ab initio phasing we have developed within our program ARCIMBOLDO a successful algorithm for the extraction of tertiary structure constraints from all the structures in the PDB. It is based on the geometrical expression of polypeptide conformation through characteristic vectors, affording detailed and customizable analysis of main chain geometry and of the spatial relationship among structural elements.

Characteristic vectors and supercomputing will be the base of our particular Aleph, to explore local folds of noncontiguous protein fragments with a customizable level of detail and through them reconstitute the whole fold so as to simultaneously apprehend a detailed and an overall view. We want to probe our new algorithm to explore, through local fold, the problems of phasing, folding, functional interactions and lattice formation.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Information on our programs and publications can be read from our web:

Interested applicants, should contact ICREA Res. Prof. Isabel Usón (uson@ibmb.csic.es), with an academic CV (detailing subjects and marks) and cover letter describing motivation and contact details for one or two potential references.

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Cancelar el envío de fotos o vídeos por Whatsapp

Confundirnos de chat y enviar una foto o vídeo a la persona equivocada puede, en ocasiones, provocar serios problemas, que se pueden evitar si gozas de buenos reflejos

Es posible cancelar el envío de fotos y videos antes de que los reciba el destinatario.

Es posible cancelar el envío de fotos y videos antes de que los reciba el destinatario.

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El grupo Inditex cuenta con un centro tecnológico «único» en todo el mundo

Centro tecnológico de Inditex en Arteixo (La Coruña).
El grupo alberga un centro en el que maneja la información de sus clientes para adaptar en tiempo real sus colecciones a los gustos del usuario, con 4.000 servidores y 1.300 km de fibra. Además, en la Sala de Operaciones se gestionan las incidencias que se registran en las infraestructuras del grupo.


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‘Ether Wars’ el juego leonés que aspira a conquistar Kickstarter

Dos jóvenes leoneses han lanzado un proyecto de financiación colectiva -‘crowfunding’- para sacar al mercado su juego ‘Ether Wars’, un proyecto indie que aspira a ser el primero de muchos y germen de un estudio que de vía libre a sus ideas.

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Incibe de León abre el Polo Tecnológico de la Ciberseguridad Nacional

Presentación de la Red de Excelencia en Ciberseguridad

El Incibe de León será el agente neutral en un polo conformado por las empresas especializadas en soluciones de ciberseguridad

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Castilla y León cumple el pacto de Kyoto y reduce un 20% las emisiones

Castilla y León cumple los compromisos de Kyoto y reduce un 20% las emisiones.
La Comunidad cuenta actualmente con 59 instalaciones incluidas en el comercio de derechos de emisión, la mayor parte del sector cogeneración y energético
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La importancia de la ingeniería de sistemas para mejorar la competitividad de la industria aeroespacial

Foto: Aeropolis

Más de 60 expertos, directivos y profesionales del sector aeroespacial y de defensa participaron ayer en la jornada La Ingeniería de Sistemas: Clave para la competitividad en los retos del presente y futuro, un encuentro celebrado en el Centro de Empresas de Aerópolis, el Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía, en Sevilla.

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HP inicia el desmantelamiento de la división de ‘Outsourcing’ con más de 30 despidos tras perder el contrato de Carrefour

Sede de HP en el Parque Tecnológico de León.

Sede de HP en el Parque Tecnológico de León.
El comité cree que en los próximos meses se sucederán los despidos tras la pérdida también del contrato para soportes de sistemas, hasta la liquidación de la filial
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