Institución:ICCRAM – UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS  Contacto correo-e:smartel@ubu.es

ICCRAM International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n 09001, Burgos.

We are looking for experienced researchers to jointly apply for individual fellowships to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. Researchers would work in the research group of Dr. Santiago Cuesta at the Science and Technology Park of University of Burgos (Spain) and involved in the recently created International Center of research in Critical Raw Materials for advanced industrial technologies (ICCRAM).
Researchers will have the unique opportunity of being involved in the activity of the international strategy of industrial resource efficiency management, energy efficiency, ecoinnovation and critical materials substitution, being directly related to the European Innovation Partnership in Raw Materials (EIP-Raw), and the proposed Knowledge and Innovation Community in Raw Materials from the EIT (KIC-Raw). In this regard, ICCRAM takes part in two different Action Groups (1.8 SUBST-EXTREME, 1.7 RESET) within the EIP-Raw.

ICCRAM is a core member of the Regional and National industrial strategy, being as Univ. of Burgos, founder member of industrial clusters like CYLSOLAR (Castilla y Leon Renewable Energy and Energy solutions industrial cluster) and CBECyL (cluster of capital goods and industrial automation of Castilla y León), with an existing strong alliance with large scale industrial associations like SERCOBE (National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods) or international/national organizations like EU-NANOFUTURES, INNANO, CEIDEN.

Candidates should be excellent experienced researchers interested in developing research lines involved in international projects in the fields of Advanced Materials, Nuclear Technology & Nano/Biotechnology.

General requirements to access the MSCA-IF grant:
–       Experienced Researchers, in possession of a doctoral degree (EU-PhD title or adapted to the Spanish system is required)
–       Researchers may be of any nationality.
–       Researchers must not have resided or carried out the main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to September 10th 2015.

Specific requirements related to the research objectives:
Researchers are expected to be experts in a) materials by design, integrated computational engineering, genome materials initiative and simulation activities; b) Nanomaterials, supermaterials design, synthesis and characterization. Concretely:
–       Applied design, synthesis and operation with new materials (advanced materials, nanotechnological materials, nanostructured materials and nano/biotechnology).
–       Multiscale modelling of new nanostructured materials with applications in engineering.
–       Design and Simulation of materials under extreme conditions.
–       Integrated computational engineering: FEM, coarse grained and continuum approaches for modelling materials in particular applications of industrial relevance

–       Please take into account that this fellowships are for “Excellent researchers”, what implies a record and résumé exceptional.

Other requirements: ICCRAM is seeking applicants with significant accomplishments in any area of computational materials science and engineering and who are committed to excellence in research in a multidisciplinary environment, with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.

DUTIES: Modelling Materials, guiding PhD students, participate in the redaction and execution
Información complementaria de la oferta:
HOW TO APPLY: SEND CV (standard academic and research record including, if applicable):
1.      Publications in major , peer-reviewed conference proceedings and/or monographs of their respective research fields, indicating also the number of citations (excluding self-citations) they have attracted.
2.      Granted patent(s).
3.      Research monographs, chapters in collective volumes and any translations thereof.
4.      Invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and/or international advanced schools.
5.      Research expeditions that the Experienced Researcher has led.
6.      Organisation of International conferences in the field of the applicant (membership in the steering and/or programme committee).
7.      Examples of participation in industrial innovation.
8.      Prizes and Awards.
9.      Funding received so far
10.     Supervising, mentoring activities.

Santiago Cuesta López (scuesta@ubu.es) & Roberto Serrano López (robertosl@ubu.es)

DEADLINE: July 24th 2014 (Estimated starting date: June 15th 2015)

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Software Engineer (Bioinformatics)

Contacto correo-e:juan.elvira@perkinelmer.com

PerkinElmer R&D is an interdisciplinary group comprising bioinformaticians and software engineers fully committed with software product development for imaging, omics and translational medicine for the biopharmaceutical industry and academic research.

Our team in Granada and Madrid is part of a global R&D Informatics organization with sites at Europe, China and US. Such a broad organization let us team up with people from a diverse number of cultures and backgrounds which makes our daily work even more appealing and inspiring.
PerkinElmer Informatics R&D mission is to deliver best of the breed software products to help scientists, biologists, clinicians and biopharmaceutical organizations to address the most challenging problems. Our recipe to make it possible is the right balance between science, engineering and innovation in every new project and product.
We team up with the product managers and customers to discuss, design and implement the products. We prefer action over bureaucracy and heavy processes. We use agile and iterative processes, enabling everyone in the team to contribute to every phase of the development. We endeavor to deliver production code since the very early stages.

When it comes to technologies we use quite a diverse number of programming languages, frameworks and architectures. Object oriented programming languages like c#, java, c++ are extensively used. Interpreted languages like python, javascript or domain specific ones like R are very important too. Business intelligence platforms like TIBCO Spotfire®, cloud, data analysis and data mining technologies, databases and web frameworks are corner stones of our product architectures.

We are looking for skillful people and motivated about understanding the problems and challenges with the ambition to be part of the future of drug discovery, healthcare and life sciences research. We are interested in people passionate about implementing and crafting high quality software products.

If you have already contributed to any bioinformatics or scientific software projects or you are willing to do so. If you are capable of using statistics, machine learning, visualizations techniques to solve data analysis problems. If you have a solid foundation on object oriented programming languages and software engineering. If you are passionate about software development. If you are an action driven person and believe in teamwork then we are definitely interested in meeting you. We will be pleased to meet you at our offices in Granada. We want to tell you more about us and our group and of course hearing more about your skills, experience, projects and motivations.

Please contact juan.elvira@perkinelmer.com

Información complementaria de la oferta:
More information at linked-in and PerkinElmer site



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Google ha borrado 312.000 enlaces en un año de ‘derecho al olvido’

La compañía, con sede en Palo Alto, ha recibido 780.000 solicitudes para retirar direcciones de internet. De estas solicitudes, 40% han sido aprobadas, es decir, unas 312.000.

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Generación dron


Estos robots voladores están llamados a revolucionar desde las tareas más simples a las más complejas. La ley temporal que entró en vigor el pasado octubre ha permitido que ya hayamos podido vislumbrar el comienzo de un futuro lleno de sorpresas.

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2 Open positions in Microwave Medical Imaging

Institución:DTIC – Universitat Pompeu Fabra  Contacto correo-e:aurelio.ruiz@upf.edu

This  position is to  participate in  a 6-month research project at  the  Department  of  Information & Communication Technologies (DTIC) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona,(http://www.upf.edu/dtic/).

UPF is  ranked  as  the  most  productive  university  in  Spain  in  terms  of  research outcome  and  attraction  of  funding (142 European FP7 projects, 19 ERC Grants – being over 50% of the conducted at DTIC-UPF).

Part of the work will be done in the AntennaLab research group labs in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.

The project will be conducted in the PhySense research  group (http://physense.upf.edu), supervised by Dr. Marta Guardiola. PhySense focuses on integrating engineering/physics knowledge with physiology in order to provide an interdisciplinary research  environment,  working closely together with  internationally  known  academic and clinical centres. This is approached by integrating and improving information acquisition, handling and processing techniques, combined with basic knowledge on pathophysiology, in order to advance clinical sciences.

The candidates should have a BEng or preferentially MSc, mainly in engineering, physics or computer science, strong background on antenna design and measurement, good computer programming skills (Matlab), and preferentially experience in microwave imaging. Fluency in English is highly recommended.

Full details: http://physense.upf.edu/system/files/news/open_positions_physense_may2015.pdf

Información complementaria de la oferta:
2 Open positions in Microwave Medical Imaging Llavor project: MicroWave imaging device for ENDOscopic explorations and interventions (MiWEndo)

Llavor is 6-month program financed by Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca, Departament d’Economia i Coneixement from the Generalitat de Catalunya and co-financed by FEDER. It is aimed to finance innovative projects that are in the initial stages in the level of technological maturity for the enhancement of knowledge with potential to join the productive sector.

MiWEndo is aimed to valorize and translate research on microwave imaging to the clinic and the industry. Microwave imaging is one of the most promising emerging imaging methods because is low-cost, portable and safe. One of the most attractive features of microwave technology for clinical applications is its relatively low entrance barriers with comparison to other medical imaging modalities.

The proposed project involves different stages of the technology pipeline, including knowledge/technology protection, pre-prototype design, initial manufacturing and pre-clinical testing. The proposed device will be a small endoscope head composed by several radio frequency (RF) sensors that will allow to form cross-sectional both anatomical and functional images of the interior of the gastro-intestinal tract as the endoscope travels along it. This work will be part of a long-standing close collaboration with the Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona (HCPB) to assure clinically relevant research. Furthermore, this work will be in connection with other scientific and clinical partners with strong expertise on antennas and propagation such as AntennaLab (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

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Beca doctoral – Interaccion Fluido-Estructura

Institución:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)  Contacto correo-e:francisco.huera@urv.cat

The Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interaction (LIFE) (http://www.etseq.urv.es/life) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) (www.urv.cat) in Tarragona (Spain), is looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics. Successful candidates will join a small but very active multidisciplinary team, working in fluid-structure interaction problems. The research will be mainly experimental and focused in the area of fluid-structure interaction with application to several engineering problems. Some of the topics that will considered during the research include but are not limited to: bio-inspired locomotion, flapping based propulsion, energy harvesting systems etc…

The work will be mainly experimental and will be carried out at the URV department facilities, including two wind tunnels and a large free surface water channel. There is also the possibility to use and develop CFD and FEM prediction tools.

CANDIDATES: Successful candidates must hold a Master degree in Engineering (at least equivalent to a 5 years course in Engineering), in the areas of Mechanical, Industrial, Aeronautical, Naval or Civil Engineering. Preference will be given to candidates able to demonstrate the following desired skills:

– Matlab or another scientific programming language.
– LabVIEW or other instrumentation oriented programming language.
– Mechanical engineering design tools such as Pro/Engineer, …
– Finite Element packages such as ANSYS, ABAQUS,…
– Experience with the use of optical measurement techniques, with emphasis in PIV.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates should contact Prof. Francisco J Huera-Huarte (francisco.huera@urv.cat) by email, attaching a recent CV (with photography) and the name and contact details of 2 academic referees (no letters necessary). Please, include your full name and your Passport (NIE, NIF, DNI) number in the email. To avoid problems with the Spam filters, include in the SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL the following text: URV 2015 PhD studentships, otherwise application might not be processed.

Please, note that just by sending me an email you have not entered the application process. The application process is managed by URV and requires a series of documents to be presented by the applicants through a website system.

– Application form completed in accordance to the electronic instructions and addressed to the Rector of the URV
– Photocopy of identity card, resident’s card or passport currently in force.
– Curriculum Vitae
– Photocopy of the certificate of the official academic qualification or proof of payment of the fees for the issuance of the certificate that allows the holder to access the doctoral studies.
– Photocopy of academic transcript of the undergraduate degree.
– Photocopy of academic transcript of the master’s degree. Candidates who have not completed their master’s degrees must send their provisional academic transcript.
– Other merits

The Application form must be presented electronically through the system, but it must also be presented in any of the legal ways established by URV: Registry of URV, Auxiliary URV registries, telematic URV registry, Spanish Government registries, Spanish Postal Service registry, Spanish Diplomatic representations or Consular offices.

Any application not fulfilling all these requirements will not be considered. Full details of the call and the complete application procedure appears at URV Martí Franquès Program website. Strict deadlines apply to the call.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Prof. Francisco Huera-Huarte

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En pleno despertar primaveral cuesta ponerse en situación, así que toca tirar de memoria y evocar esas tormentas glaciales que azotan violentamente el norte de EEUU cada año. Ahora es más sencillo imaginarse la desazón que embargaba a Paul Wallich cada mañana cuando se veía obligado a enfrentarse de forma prematura al frío de Vermont para acompañar a su hijo hasta la parada de autobús.

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El primer batallón de drones de España volará desde El Ferral en verano

Los 140 militares que lo forman se repartirán en cuatro unidades y habrá seis aparatos

El primer batallón de drones de clase 2 con el que contará España y que operará desde la base Conde de Gazola de Ferral comenzará a dar sus primeros pasos este verano. El Grupo de Obtención, que es el nombre militar que recibirá esta unidad porque se destinará a misiones de inteligencia, para la vigilancia de espacios, estará integrado por 140 militares que se repartirán en cuatro unidades de vuelo, cada una de las cuales contará con dos pilotos de los drones de clase 2, también conocidos como RPAS, dos operadores destinado a la carga útil o de pago —que hace referencia a lo que porta el vehículo no tripulado y que en este caso es una cámara— y el resto de personal formará parte del equipo de mantenimiento del aparato. Lee la noticia completa

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SEAT busca 130 ingenieros en España

La compañía incrementó su producción en Martorell un 13% durante los primeros cuatro meses hasta los 175.000 vehículos

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La escuela de pilotos despegará en julio con el mercado asiático como objetivo

El curso dura un año y los 58.000 euros de matrícula incluyen comida y alojamiento.

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