Open Position: Research Assistant

Institución:IMDEA Materiales Institute

The research group of Multiscale Materials Modeling at IMDEA Materials is seeking a: PhD (thesis) candidate (Master in Materials science, Mechanical engineering, Physics or similar) (Ref: MMM-12) to work in IMDEA in a project funded by Abengoa about multi-scale simulation of plasticity in Ni-based systems. The work will deal with the simulation as function of temperature of the deformation mechanisms using atomistics, mesoscale models and continuum approaches (Finite Elements).
Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more details of the offer and application information please visit:

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Sorpresa: nuestro cerebro funciona como internet

Sorpresa: nuestro cerebro funciona como internet

Un estudio de la Universidad del Sur de California afirma que la forma de trabajo es muy parecida a la de la red

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Postdoctoral Researcher position- Thermal

Institución:CIC Energigune

CIC Energigune is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to engage in the development of thermal energy storage concepts and solutions. The thermal energy storage group of CIC Energigune is focusing on the research of different classes of materials for thermal energy storage applications. The main goal is to identify the most promising ones for a future application in concentrated solar power plants and in industrial waste heat recovery.
We are inviting applications for a Postdoctoral position in the group of materials development and characterization. Preference will be given to candidates with extensive hands-on experience in the development, synthesis and characterization of ceramic, inorganic and metallic materials.
Job functions:
•       Structural characterization of different classes of ceramic materials such as Slag, natural rocks, concrete, etc.
•       Determination of their relevant thermophysical properties: specific heat, thermal diffusivity and conductivity, thermal emissivity, thermal expansion, etc.
•       Corrosion study between the thermal storage media and different classes of heat transfer fluids such as gas, synthetic oils, and inorganic molten salts.
•       Corrosion study between the heat transfer fluids and the materials mainly used in the construction of the storage tanks (Steels and Stainless steels).
•       Collaboration in project proposal writing to obtain funding from institutions and industrial sources.
•       Supervise graduate/master students and technicians.
We are offering
We are offering a 24 months position within interesting National, European and International projects in the field of thermal energy storage and important opportunities for professional development.
CIC Energigune offers a competitive basic salary augmented by important benefits such as special conditions for a private health insurance that compare favourably with the best global private and public institutions.
The “Fundación” will also help smooth the transition for you and your family, providing a welcome programme that offers accommodation and addresses of other aspects to help you integrate into the local environment.

We are looking for
Qualification requirements:
•       Ph.D. in materials science, or related fields
•       Expertise in the development, synthesis and characterization of ceramic, inorganic and metallic materials
•       Experience in experimental work using different characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction, SEM/TEM, DSC/TGA, IR-FTIR, thermal conductivity, dilatometer, porosimetry, densitometer, etc.
•       A team player who can collaborate with other groups, technical centres, and industries
•       Good verbal and written communication skills in English

All applicants are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at

CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
All applicants are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at

The selection process ends once a candidate is selected.

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Beca de doctorado

Institución: Universidad de Bath, UK

PhD Studentship – Visuo-tactile modelling of soft tissues for medical-surgical applications

An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Robotics Lab is looking for an excellent candidate for an industrially funded PhD studentship. This studentship is funded by a medical sponsor.

The research project is to produce a non-realtime system that generates meshless Lagrangian (smoothed particle) multiphysics models combining vision and haptic sensor data (sensor fusion).

The specific application will be to build bio-mechanical models from binocular video and force sensor data, captured while an anatomist performs a dissection. The models generated will be used in the study of orthopedic disease mechanisms, surgical simulation, and surgical robotics.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Research Fields:
Engineering – Mechanical engineering
Computer science – 3 D modelling
Medical sciences – Veterinary medicine

Studentship covers tuition fees (for EU applicants only) and a living cost stipend of about £14K/year. The duration of the studentship is 3 years.

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Institución: Ayuntamiento de ILLESCAS
Página Web : (Ofertas de Empleo Público).
Ha sacado a información la formación de una Bolsa de Empleo para la contratación de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales.Requisitos Necesarios: Título de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial así como superación de un tipo test y una baremación de méritos según la convocatoria.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Aquellos que estén interesados, pueden consultar:

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Amazon, autorizada a probar sus drones para repartir paquetes en EE.UU.