Fellowship on Viable Electrode materials

Institución:CIC energiGUNE
Contacto correo-e:info@cicenergigune.com

CIC energiGUNE is now offering the opportunity to complete the Research PhD project on the field of Electrical Energy Storage (EES) at our facilities. The offer is aimed at students registered for a PhD programme at university in related subjects: materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.

CIC energiGUNE is an energy storage research centre with headquarters in the Basque Country, which aims to achieve and maintain levels of excellence in all of its research areas of focus and become an international benchmark in its field. The centre has the backing of public institutions and administrations, and of companies directly related to the energy sector.

Candidates must be pre-registered as PhD students at a European University in a materials related PhD Programme. Applications are open to students worldwide as long as they hold a master degree and their degree is validated / homologated and approved by the University where they intend to register, and that the university of choice agrees to establish a collaboration and a co-direction of the PhD Thesis with CIC energiGUNE.
More information on pre-registration in local universities who already have a collaboration agreement with CIC energiGUNE is available at their websites, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) or Mondragon University (MU).

The PhD
CIC energiGUNE offers a total of 1 grant within the EES area to eligible students who wish to complete their PhD Thesis with us. Financial support will be 17.000€ gross / year (aprox. 14,000€ net / year). Students will be encouraged to apply for financial support by the university or other institutions (i.e. Basque Government). On top of the grant under offer students that are on possession of a grant will also be offered a position with us.

How to apply
Applications are open to students who wish to develop a career in research.

CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

PhD Project Description:
Research Line: Mid Temperature Na (EES)
Title: Viable electrode materials for sodium ion batteries
Supervisor: Dr. Gurpreet Singh
We are now inviting the applications for a Ph.D. student position in the area of Mid Temperature sodium ion batteries. The work will be focused on the development of the viable next generation sodium ion batteries electrode materials that are capable of working under different temperature conditions.

Since the oxide materials possess their own advantages over other materials in the competitor list, therefore the work will be mostly focused on the development of such electrode materials. To make these electrode materials viable to the practical application, they should behave well at above as well as below the room temperature, where electrolyte plays a critical role. Studies on such aspects along with the deep understanding of the subject will be the baseline of the thesis work.

Work will mostly include the experimental part along with some computation if required related to the feedback on some specific properties. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a background on materials engineering. Applicants should have a high level in English (written and spoken). Candidates must prove a strong attitude towards experimental chemistry and the drive and capacity to tackle different aspects of a complex problem with large independence. Talent, enthusiasm for research and capability to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment are also expected. The candidate will be part of a research team formed by chemical engineer and physicists.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
To apply for a CIC energiGUNE grant please enter your data, CV and a cover letter trough our websitehttp://www.cicenergigune.com/en/trabajar/ before the 5th of November. Candidates must also provide the names and email address of at least 2 referees.

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Merce y Mónica, junto con otros compañeros de la Biblioteca, asisten a estas Jornadas.


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Postdoctoral position in Space Physics

Institución:Space Research Group – University of Alcalá  Contacto correo-e:teresa.varela@uah.es

The Space Research Group (SRG) of University of Alcalá (Spain) announces the opening of one postdoctoral position in Space Physics, to work in the Solar Orbiter Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) scientific data development.
• Position Type: Postdoctoral Researcher • Categories/Specialties: Space Science / Solar and Heliospheric Physics / Data Analysis and Instrumentation • Deadline: 10th October 2014.
What we offer:
Senior research contract at University of Alcalá, for up to 14 months. A possible extension for 2 additional years will depend on the project funding status. The selected candidate will work in the Solar Orbiter Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) project funded by the MINECO (Spanish Industry and Competiveness Ministry). The candidate’s primary job will be to do managing and research tasks within the project (see details below).
The gross annual salary will be between 30,000 € and 33,000 € (depending on the experience of the candidate) subject to up to 20% tax and Social Security deductions. Medical insurance will be provided under the Spanish National Health Service and, wherever applicable, will also cover the accompanying partner and children. Non-European Union citizens must obtain the permits required to live and work in Spain prior to signing the contract. Please contact the Spanish consulate in your country for details.
What we require:
• Candidates should have a PhD in Science or Engineering and demonstrable experience in Space Science and/or Space Physics.
• Experience handling and analyzing scientific data from space-based instruments or space missions.
• Experience in science data processing, archiving and management (from low-level telemetry data to high-level science data products).
• Good computational skills (including Linux shell scripting and Python and/or IDL programming under a Linux environment).
• Spoken and written English.
• Travelling disposition.
• Good communication skills and ability to work within a group and to integrate in an international and multidisciplinary team We value:
• Research experience in the fields of Solar and Heliospheric Physics, Solar Energetic Particles, Cosmic Rays or Space Systems development.
• The candidate’s scientific publication record in one or more of these areas will be strongly valued.
• Experience in operations and tele-commanding of space-based scientific instrumentation • Spanish language.
Functional responsibilities:
• The successful candidate will integrate in the EPD Project Office as Science Data Manager, participating in the development of the infrastructure required for the ground processing and archiving of EPD’s science data.
• He/she is also expected to frequently act as EPD’s representative in Solar Orbiter working groups and team meetings and as contact point with the ESA Science Operations Center.
• Workplace: Science and Technology Campus in Alcalá de Henares and Guadalajara Campus.

More information https://portal.uah.es/portal/page/portal/investigacion/convocatorias
How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit their curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a cover letter (in English, pdf format) to Dr. Teresa Varela Jeraldo (teresa.varela@uah.es) with carbon copy to Dr. Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco (javier.pacheco@uah.es). Optionally, the names and contact details of up to 2 references can be provided.

Dr. Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco
Space Research Group – University of Alcalá
Email: javier.pacheco@uah.es
Space Research Group
Información complementaria de la oferta:
The Space Research Group:
Solar Orbiter is an ESA mission, foreseen for launch in January 2017. EPD consists of four sensors measuring energetic particles from 2 keV up to 200 MeV/n. The P.I. institution is the University of Alcalá, which leads a multinational consortium building the different sensors and the Instrument Control Unit. For further details, please visit: http://sci.esa.int/solarorbiter The Space Research Group is composed of researchers from the fields of space science and computers technology. Scientists from the Physics Department are specialized in the study of the Heliosphere, the Sun-Earth interaction and its effect on the conditions in the terrestrial environment. Their joint effort gives the group a great potential and lets cover scientific and technological needs for the development and control of scientific missions and the design of technological products applied to aerospace industry.
The University of Alcalá (UAH) is located in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid-Spain), a city 30 km northeast of Madrid and 15 km away from Barajas International Airport. UAH offers degrees in five branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, Sciences, Health Sciences, and Engineering and Architecture. Its approximately 20,000 undergraduate students are spread across its three campuses: Historical Campus, the Science and Technology Campus and Guadalajara Campus.

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Puesto de investigador – Contrato

Institución:CIRCE (Area de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia)  Contacto correo-e:rseron@fcirce.es

– Jefe de Proyectos en el Área de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia de CIRCE
– Trabajo en equipo en nuevos proyectos de I+D Se requiere de una persona capaz y eficiente con vocación por la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico e iniciativa
Temática: Sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Energía Eléctrica, Control y Protección, Diseño de Sistemas Eléctricos y Electrónicos, almacenamiento de energía eléctrica,… CIRCE es un centro de investigación de energías renovables muy próximo al mundo industrial www.fcirce.es
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Estudios mínimos: Título de Doctor (en Ingenierías o Ciencias Aplicadas) Requisitos mínimos: Nivel de inglés alto
Nivel de programación alto
Disposición a viajar

Tipo de contrato:       3 años de contrato ampliables a contrato indefinido en función de resultados.
Jornada laboral:        Completa
A convenir en función del perfil (a partir de 27.000 € brutos/año)

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NAC: Beca FPI en Energi­as Renovables

Institución:CIRCE (Area de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia)  Contacto correo-e:rseron@fcirce.es

– Realización de tesis doctoral en el Área de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia de CIRCE
– Trabajo en equipo en nuevos proyectos de I+D
– Se ofrece un puesto con proyección de futuro que requiere de una persona capaz y eficiente con vocación por la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico e iniciativa
– Temática: Sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Energía Eléctrica, Control y Protección, Diseño de Sistemas Eléctricos y Electrónicos, Almacenamiento de energía eléctrica,…
– CIRCE es un centro de investigación de energías renovables muy próximo al mundo industrial www.fcirce.es
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Estudios mínimos: Ingeniero especialidad eléctrica o electrónica, o Máster, o Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas,…

Requisitos mínimos: Nivel de inglés alto
Nivel de programación alto
Disposición a viajar

Tipo de contrato:       4 años de Beca FPI ampliables a contrato indefinido en función de resultados.
Jornada laboral:        Completa
Salario:        A convenir en función del perfil

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Seleccion Profesor Doctor Circuitos

Institución:Universidad Antonio de Nebrija Contacto correo-e:muribarr@nebrija.es

La Escuela Politécnica Superior Industrial de la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija precisa un Doctor Ingeniero para impartir la asignatura de Teoría de Circuitos en horario de tarde: (de 16 a 17:20 y de 17:30 a 18:50). Inicio inmediato.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Los candidatos interesados deberán remitir su CV a la dirección seleccion@nebrija.es indicando en el asunto la referencia 2014CIRC .

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Construccion de modelos de Markov en Java

Contacto correo-e:fjdiez@dia.uned.es

CISIAD (www.cisiad.uned.es)
Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial, UNED
c/ Juan del Rosal, 16. Madrid
Construcción de modelos de Markov en Java.
Aplicación al análisis de coste-efectividad
del implante coclear bilateral
Un año
Octubre de 2014
Tiempo completo.
Posibilidad de dedicación a tiempo parcial
durante dos años para quien esté haciendo un máster
Entre 1.200 y 1.400 €/mes (brutos),
dependiendo de la cualificación
Licenciado, ingeniero o graduado en Informática
(excepcionalmente, estudiante brillante que haya
aprobado todas las asignaturas de la carrera)
Buen expediente académico
Nivel alto de inglés
Se valorarán conocimientos de eclipse, Swing, JUnit, maven, etc.
Plazo: 22 de septiembre de 2014

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El ‘Tasazo’ llega a las bibliotecas

Las bibliotecas pagarán a entidades de gestión de derechos de autor por el préstamo de libros.

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Los ingenieros industriales de León demandan la paralización del Anteproyecto de Ley de Servicios y Colegios Profesionales

Consideran que favorece el intrusismo y crea asimetrías entre profesiones técnicas

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La Junta completa la subvención para el cibernético universitario con 5,3 millones

La Junta de Castilla y León dio ayer luz verde a la concesión de una partida de 5,3 millones de euros para completar la construcción del edificio cibernético de la Universidad de León, que se está levantando en la parte alta del campus, cerca de Industriales, y que incluye una cuantía cercana al millón de euros para la adquisición de material y el equipamiento general del centro para I+D. La medida fue aprobada en el Consejo de Gobierno autonómico, donde también se acordó destinar una cuantía similar para la construcción de un edificio de usos múltiples de I+D+i de la Universidad de Salamanca.

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