Google pone fin a tres años de reinado de Apple como empresa más valiosa

Tras tres años dominando el ranking de las empresas más valiosas del planeta, el gigante de Internet Google ha desbancado a Apple tras subir su valor un 40% en el último año. Así, la marca de la manzana se ve relegada a un segundo puesto tras descender su valor en un 20%.

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China prohíbe Windows 8 en los ordenadores gubernamentales

El Gobierno chino anunció que prohibirá el uso de Windows 8, el más reciente sistema operativo de Windows, «como medida para garantizar la seguridad», informó la agencia oficial Xinhua.

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La Universidad contrata nuevos expertos en ciberseguridad que potenciarán a León como polo de la investigación informática

Paso a paso, sin prisa pero sin pausa, León camina hacia uno de sus objetivos de futuro: ser un centro de excelencia en ciberseguridad sirviendo de complemento tanto al Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías de la Comunicación (Inteco) como a la multinacional Microsoft.

En ese proceso la Universidad de León ha comenzado el proceso de selección para la contratación de dos investigadores en ciberseguridad, a los que se sumará un coordinador de equipo. Pero la apuesta va más allá.

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NAC: PhD studentships in Fluid-structure interactions

Institución:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)  Contacto

The Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interaction (LIFE) ( of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) ( in Tarragona (Spain), is looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics. Successful candidates will join a small but very active multidisciplinary team, working in fluid-structure interaction problems. The research will be mainly experimental and focused in the area of fluid-structure interaction with application to several engineering problems. Some of the topics that will covered during the research include but are not limited to: dynamics of offshore energy generation devices; new concepts for offshore energy generation; aero/hydrodynamics of offshore wind turbines; wake interactions between wind turbines; new designs of vertical axis wind turbines; flapping based propulsion/harvesting systems etc… The work will be mainly experimental and will be carried out at the department facilities, including two wind tunnels and a large free surface water channel. There is also the possibility to use and develop CFD and FEM prediction tools.
CANDIDATES: Successful candidates must hold a Master degree in Engineering (at least equivalent to a 5 years course in Engineering), in the areas of Mechanical, Industrial, Aeronautical, Naval or Civil Engineering. Preference will be given to candidates able to demonstrate the following desired skills:
–       Matlab or another scientific programming language.
–       LabVIEW or other instrumentation oriented programming language.
–       Mechanical engineering design tools such as Pro/Engineer, Solidworks…
–       Finite Element packages such as ANSYS, ABAQUS,…
–       Experience with the use of optical measurement techniques, especially PIV.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates should send the following documents, in English or Spanish, to Francisco J Huera-Huarte ( The application procedure can be found in:
–       Complete CV (with photography)
–       List of subjects and grades of first degree.
–       Name and contact details of 2 academic referees.
To avoid problems with the Spam filters, include in the SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL the following text: URV 2014 PhD studentships, otherwise application might not be processed.
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Información complementaria de la oferta:
Full details of the call and the complete application procedure appears at URV Martí Franquès Program website (

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Inteco alerta del fin del sistema Windows XP

IntecoLogoEl próximo 8 de abril la firma Microsoft finaliza el soporte del sistema operativo Windows XP

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Los Lumia que vienen

    Lumia 930

Lumia 630

Pincelandas gruesas sobre dos nuevos teléfonos de Nokia, anunciados ayer.

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Así es el nuevo Windows Phone 8.1

Los usuarios que quieran actualizar el sistema operativo de sus teléfonos deberán esperar a finales de mes. Lee la noticia completa

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Los peligros de seguir utilizando Windows XP tras su «muerte»


El soporte técnico a este sistema operativo finaliza el 8 de abril

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El aeropuerto de León será comercial o restringido en función de la demanda

Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (Aena), realizará un análisis del decreto publicado en el Boletín Oficial del Estado y su posible aplicación en el aeropuerto de León para definir nuevos horarios de uso público y restringido «en función tanto de la operación actual como de la demanda existente y de los recursos necesarios», según informaron fuentes de la compañía.

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Research Initiation Fellowships at IMDEA Materials

Institución:IMDEA Materials Institute

IMDEA Materials Institute launches this call for the recruitment of young university undergraduates who wish to carry out a three month research internship (June, July and September 2014) in an international and multidisciplinary environment under the supervision of a senior scientist. These fellowships are aimed at undergraduate university students within the last two years in any scientific discipline (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, etc.) or Engineering from any nationality.

* The present call is open in the following topics:

– Study of the mechanical behavior of aluminum and magnesium nanocomposites for light transport.
– Atomistic simulation of materials.
– Nanomaterials for energy harvesting.
– Nano-Architecture and materials design.
– Design, testing and simulation of advanced composites.
– Solidification processing and engineering.
– Micro and Nanomechanics.
– Integrated modeling techniques for materials design.
* Students will receive a gross stipend of 600 € per month.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
More information and application procedure can be found at:

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